This is my input dataset.
Want to print this data to Oracle java forms.
Here you can see the multiple lines
do you know the looping condition?
if one row means we can use for each loop
but here 1 dataset having many rows
so how to do?
Please share your ideas and solutions
thanks, ganesh D
Buddy…all these questions has a single answer…
For each row loop…
- Want to print this data to Oracle java forms.
–you can print the data to oracle java forms, first by reading this excel with excel application scope and read range. Assign a output variable to read range name out_dt which would be of type datatable.
2.Here you can see the multiple lines
–Doesn’t matter whether it has multiple columns or rows, for each row loop will take that as a table regardless of null value you know the looping condition?
–Inside for each loop, first place a if condition like
row(the columnname in the string from where you want to enter in a particular oracle form say Date) like
Not String.IsNullorEmpty(row(“Date”)) – in if condition
this means if the date has value in it, will get proceeded with then condition where you can mention the activities you want to carry out or with else part with its required activities. If condition satisfies…get the value of that row like
4.if one row means we can use for each loop
–No worries buddy, even for each loop can any number of rows but the input should be of datarow type and we need to mention it explicitly like output_dt.rows
But here we can for each row loop which can take any no of rows in datarow datatype implicitly.
5.but here 1 dataset having many rows
Again we can handle with this for each row loop activity how to do?
–So thats all buddy you are done…!
Hope this might help you
How to split the data table based on column name?
Want to create 3 data tables using main data table.