How to point to specific column in for each row in data table


I have a data table

Name Surname Birthplace

Mark Jason NY
Emily Wo*od London

Sometimes in my Surname colum there is “*” which I need to delete, the problem is that I need to delete * for every row but only in Surname column.

How do I point that I only want to do this in Surname column?



value to find *

replace with “”


I change Item CurrentRow to what you said?

oh Ok i do it in find and replace but then how do I make it so that the data table is updated without * ?


is this you are expecting or any other

let me know

Yes I understand but how do I keep my data table updated now without the *?


yes it will get updated


Do you know what I mean? I will change and replace but then will it be automaticaly saved to my data table?


yes it will automatically saved to that datatable

i have tried in another way it aslo working


it dont save automaticaly for me,


have created output for find and replace activity

if so pass it by using assign activity

as mentioned in the image


Any ideas :(?




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