How to pass excel row value as argument to another workflow


  1. Excel application scope
  2. Read range, for each row and then I used get row item.
  3. I need to pass this get row item variable to another workflow.
  4. I created a argument as outvalue as OUT to get row item…
  5. Now I need that argument to be called in another workflow to an TYPE INTO ACTIVITY…

Please help in how to achieve this.,

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As you said already created Argument and mentioned direction as Out right. Just create new argument in other workflow and mention direction as IN and pass this value to other workflow.


Trying that only, but no luck…

  1. I created outvalue as argument OUT direction for get row item type is datatable…
  2. I created another argument called value as IN direction for type into activity in another workfloe…
    Now I have to pass outvalue variable to this value variable in enter expression tab… Correct…
    I am not able to get this outvalue at all


Get Row Item activity will give output as String but not DataTable. It will give output of specified column value.

Please check below thread to more about this activity and also it contains example.


Yes sorry it gives string… I need one column valje only… So I am using row item…

Just now pass that variable to another workflow…

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Is it working ?



For suppose A is parent WorkFlow and B,C are child workflows and these are inside A workflow. Now you want to pass value from B workflow to C workflow. To do this follow below steps.

  1. B workflow - mention direction as OUT and pass this value to new argument created in A workflow first.

  2. A workflow - mention direction as *IN/OUT

  3. C workflow - mention direction as *IN. Pass A workflow argument to this.

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Thats what i am doing it . but i am not getting the B workflow value to pass it ot A argument at all…


Then create variable in A workflow instead of Argument and then follow remaining steps as mentioned above.

sorry bro, not getting …

I have a sequence , inside that sequnece i have A and B workflow , now
need to pass A workflow variable to B workflow variable…
tired all those things initally again i tried with ur example.but no luck…

I got it finally … thanks bro…

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