How to pass argument one xmal to another

Already code has developed now the requirement is first process will complete and second process will start in same process so I have created new xmal file and the flow is one now I want to pass the argument which create in the first flow how it will work


Hi @suraj_gaikwad

Data in the First xaml store it in a variable. Use invoke workflow file activity to invoke the second workflow to first workflow. Create the arguments in the Second workflow with the same datatype. In Invoke workflow file activity open the import arguments then pass the variable to the specific argument. Then pass the argument where you want in the second xaml.

Hope it helps!!

Hi @suraj_gaikwad
By using Invoke Workflow file activity you can do this
In Import Arguments you can import variables to this xaml

use invoke workflow file and give file path which you want to call here.
after giving path click on import arguments. It will show you arguments of the file in panel