I have extracted and stored a inner html into a variable and trying to pass it in a http request body. the inner html is
{ “integrationHeaderId” : “1”, “headerId” : “1158”, “integrationPayloadId” : “1”, “erpSyncStatus” : “1”, “syncMessageContentType” : “html”, “erpSyncMessage” : " Issues (click each label for more information):
<img border=“0” valign=“absmiddle” src=“/jde/img/err_r.gif” alt=“Error 1” “=”" id=“WIDGETID_0_606_0”> | Duplicate Supplier/Invoice Number |
| |||||||||||||
CAUSE: The Accounts Payable constants record has been setup with DUPLICATE INVOICE NUMBER EDIT set to H (Hard Error). Another document with the same number and the same supplier already exists in the file. RESOLUTION . . You must change the invoice number or supplier number to a new number. | |||||||||||||||
And my payload is
““integrationHeaderId”” : “”” + integrationHeaderId+“”“,
““headerId”” : “””+ POHeaderID+“”“,
““integrationPayloadId”” : “””+ IntegrationpayloadID+“”“,
““erpSyncStatus”” : ““1"”,
““syncMessageContentType”” : ““html””,
““erpSyncMessage”” : “””+ ErrorMessage+”“”,
““department”” : “”“+ Department+”“”
where errormessage is my html variable. After passing the API is showing 400 error and not accepting the body. Please help on this…