How to pass 2 conditions in Filter option of GetOutlookMailMessage activity?

Hello, Is any one know how we can pass 2 conditions like- “[Subject]=‘PO’” AND [Subject]=‘Purchase Order’" in Filter option of Get Outlook mail message activity ?? So that, based on the filter option i can read only those specific mails.

use OR instead of AND and dont use double quotes in the middle

you can copy this and paste into your filter
"[Subject]='PO' OR [Subject]='Purchase Order'"

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No it’s not working. Is there any other way to do it !?

you want suject that EQUALS PO / purchase order

subject that CONTAINS PO/purchase order?

if you want contains do this

"@SQL=urn:schemas:httpmail:subject like '%PO%' OR urn:schemas:httpmail:subject like '%Purchase Order%'"

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Hey @mitradev_das

You are getting any error or the result is not as expected.

Also, are you passing the quotes right !


There are no outputs List(0) { }

could you please paste your solution so that i can compare if i am doing anything wrong.!!

try untick mark as read and only unread message

and print out sampl.Count.ToString and see if > 0

Hey @mitradev_das

I’m currently using this way which is working fine !

"[Subject]='PO' OR [Subject]='Purchase Order'"

Also please use Or in the condition which will check mails any of the subject above.

If we use AND there is no way we get the mails :smiley:


Thank you very much Jack. It worked.!! Thanks for your help.!

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No worries bro i got the solution, thanks!!

Cool @mitradev_das :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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