I have a SourceDT, I want to capture the duplicate rows and store it on DT2 and retain one row of the duplicate in SourceDT.
Unique Identifier | Name
123A | Zeus
789C | Poseidon
123A | Zeus
123A | Zeus
456B | Athena
789C | Poseidon
Unique Identifier | Name
123A | Zeus
123A | Zeus
789C | Poseidon
New SourceDT:
Unique Identifier | Name
123A | Zeus
789C | Poseidon
456B | Athena
How can I implement this in LINQ or using UiPath activities?
Hi @anthonyjr
Try out this for your NewSouceDT
NewSourceDT= SourceDT.AsEnumerable.GroupBy(Function(row) row(“ColumnName”)).Select(Function(row) row.First).CopyToDataTable
for duplicates
If you want to find the array of duplicate values from a particular column of a table then
In a assign activity
List_variable = yourdatatablename.AsEnumerable().Select(Function (a) a.Field(of string)(“yourcolumnname”).ToString).ToArray().GroupBy(Function(x) x).Where(Function(y) y.Count() > 1).ToList()
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(Ganta lakshman)
April 5, 2022, 9:18am
Welcome to our UiPath community.
Try below Linq query to get the required output.
dtOutput = ( From row in sourceDT Group row by a = row("Unique Identifier").ToString.Trim, b = row("Name").ToString.Trim into grp = Group Where grp.Count > 1 Select grp.First).CopyToDataTable
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What data type should I browse for List_variable?
Hi @anthonyjr ,
Is this the expected output?
If so, then here is a workflow I’ve developed for you →
SplitDuplicates.xaml (8.3 KB)
Along with the codes used for each operation →
GroupBy(Function(g) String.Join("",g.ItemArray.Select(Function(s) s.ToString))).
Where(Function(w) w.Count()>1).
SelectMany(Function(sm) sm.Skip(1)).CopyToDataTable()
This is performed assuming you want to compare the entire row.
If its different, I can create another sequence for you.
Kind Regards,
Ashwin A.K
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Sorry I have mistake on my post. I tried your codes for duplicates with the data table below but it only output 1 copy of the duplicate. Hoping you can still help me with this.
Unique Identifier | Name
123A | ZeusA
789C | PoseidonA
123A | ZeusB
123A | ZeusC
456B | AthenaA
789C | PoseidonB
Expected DT2:
Unique Identifier | Name
123A | ZeusB
123A | ZeusC
789C | PoseidonB
Hi @anthonyjr ,
I’m not sure if I’ve understood your query correctly.
Lets assume that there are three duplicate rows, you want the last two rows to be transferred to the second datatable correct?
Also, when we say “duplicate”, are you referring to duplicates in the first column, or the entire row has to treated as a single unit during comparison?
Kind Regards,
Ashwin A.K
Yes, I want the last two rows to be transferred to the second datatable.
Also yes, I’m referring to duplicates in “Unique Identifier” Column.
Best Regards,
Anthony Jr.
did u get a chance to try my above linq
Hi @anthonyjr ,
Alright then, could you confirm if this is the expected output for the Unique(last table)?
GroupBy(Function(g) g("Unique Identifier").ToString).
Where(Function(w) w.Count()>1).
SelectMany(Function(sm) sm.Skip(1)).CopyToDataTable()
dt_sampleData.AsEnumerable().GroupBy(Function(g) g("Unique Identifier").ToString).Select(Function(s) s.First()).CopyToDataTable()
SplitDuplicates_v1.xaml (8.3 KB)
Kind Regards,
Ashwin A.K
April 5, 2022, 10:03am
I did but I get an error.
Maybe because I’m using the wrong data type for the “List_variable”. I used List data type, what should be the correct one?
April 5, 2022, 10:11am
Thank you so much sir @ashwin.ashok ! You have a clean and easy to understand code.
Your solution is detailed too. Thanks again!
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FindDuplicates.xaml (8.4 KB)
Sorry for late reply here u go a small sample @anthonyjr
April 8, 2022, 10:17am
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