I’m trying to add a orderbydescending function to the following line of code:
NewFiles = Directory.GetFiles(“C:.…”, “*.xlsm”).where(function(a) file.GetLastWriteTime(a).Year = Now.Year)
I tried a couple variations none of them works.
I’m trying to add a orderbydescending function to the following line of code:
NewFiles = Directory.GetFiles(“C:.…”, “*.xlsm”).where(function(a) file.GetLastWriteTime(a).Year = Now.Year)
I tried a couple variations none of them works.
Hi @B.D,
Try following linQ code,
Directory.GetFiles(“C:....”,“.xlsm”).OrderByDescending(function(s) file.GetLastWriteTime(s)).where(function(s).GetLastWriteTime(s).Year = Now.Year)
If you want to orderbydescending by filename, the following might help you.
Directory.GetFiles("C...”, “*.xlsm”).OrderByDescending(function(r) r).where(function(a) file.GetLastWriteTime(a).Year = Now.Year)
Hi Yoichi, I want it to order by last write time.
thanks samir I will try it.
How about the following?
Directory.GetFiles("C:...”, “*.xlsm”).OrderByDescending(function(a) file.GetLastWriteTime(a)).where(function(a) file.GetLastWriteTime(a).Year = Now.Year)
Try previous linQ.
OR you can use assign like this
ArrVar = ArrVar.Reverse.toArray()
—> to simply reverse sequence of all array objects.
thank you it works. But when I itterate through the array the last item is ths
I don’t know why. What is the method to remove the last element from the array ?
ArrVar = ArrVar.take(ArrVar.Count-1).toArray()
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