How to open excel in backend


I have one macro sheet and excel data sheet, so macro should be open in backend and i have to type alt f11 for running macro
Please help to solve this issue

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Hi @praveenM1 use excel application scope and uncheck the Visible property.

Hi @praveenM1

Kommi Jeevan.

still i am unable to do that, i would like to explain my scenario i need one excel(for eg: unapprove) to be open in backend and no changes to be made and i have one more excel like 3p and i have made some changes in 3p excel and this changes will effect to 3p if unapprove sheet is open. Guide me to solution

Thanks in advance.

I unchecked Visible in properties panel for first excel(unapprove) in excel scope and then in Do body i have given second excel scope for 3p excel. Please guide if i make any mistakes. (1.6 MB)