How to modify the REFramework to read the data from more queues?

We should get on a call sometime so I can show you how I approach this using Orchestration as I also hate the ‘daisy chaining’.

This is especially timely as UiPath recently did reveal their Process orchestration canvas for private preview and I’d been helping them on that beforehand.

I’d love to get more MVPs on the Orchestration train.

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In that case, you need to choose

  1. you will need a logic within your dispatcher which routes the queue item to the correct queue name a switch statement will work fine. I do not know the conditions but it is easily doable.
  2. Depending on the queue name your dispatcher checks only that one relevant app

I still prefer the 2 option. Keeping things isolated and dedicated to their own dispatcher/performer.

Summary 1st approach. But my recommendation is always the 2nd approach above.

You have 8 queues. 1 smart dispatcher which knowns where to send the items (1 time trigger). 1 performer which is queue name independent (gets its queue name from 8 dedicated triggers)

The only thing I can note is days when your disaptcher does not run for some reason, your performers will have no work to do. But if you have seperation also in your dispatcher (8 triggers) then you would have a better process availability.

will consider that second option when i will be in a far away point in my project. :slight_smile: . for now: i removed any information from config referring to a Queue Name, i created the triggers, to test, but i get an error, and ofc it does not process any items from queues.

In my workflow i use these activities for the begging, pretty simple… but i think that my error is because the argument in_QueueItems has assigned the Config QName… right?

i am trying to understand how does that value from the queue trigger is being used in my project in Get transaction item activity, but i cant :frowning: . how to I call that name from the trigger? in my workflow? where are the links, how do I pass that value throughout my project>


Value from trigger will be assigned to Config("OrchestratorQueueName") here

You can test this logic from Studio as well. Just assign the desired queue name in Main.xaml argument and try debug to get the understanding of this.

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What am i missing? Because the queue name from the trigger isn’t passed into my workflow. Is this assign method ok?? this screenshot is from the Process sheet where I have the workflow that processes the item from queue.

I’ve figured it out thanks to you guys! you are amazing. The issue was with my activity Get Queue Items, it had a filter for New only Items, once i selected the In progress also, it worked with triggers from Orch.

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