How to maximize child browser using click activity?

I want maximise child pbrowser,RPA is not recognizing the maximizing button of child browser,how to maximize that child browser ,even click activity not recognizing the maximize button??

watch the video of my problem

@Carolyn_Juliana Have you tried to use Maximise Window Activity ?

You can try the following Steps :

  1. Manually Open the Page until you get the Child Window.
  2. Use an Attach Browser Activity and Indicate the Child Window, then use Maximise Window Activity inside it.

The Attach Browser Activity Should be in Sequence after the Previous Steps in the Process

Check and Let us know if it works.

There might be some Other steps that we may need to handle if it works.

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Hi @Carolyn_Juliana,

You can try to send a hotkey with the selector set to that browser element. The hotkey should be ctrl+up. That will maximize the browser


i dont even see Attach Browser Activity in my UIPath commnity version,any idea why?

the problem is i see only below options to select browser tried with click activity no success

@Carolyn_Juliana Oh My Bad, you are using StudioX :sweat_smile: , Hence the Actvities are having different names

tell me what studio you use?