How to match and mapping values in an excel

it is all about requirment definition and sample data




is the input then it looks like we want to search for roles from input in the mapping.

So we split the input roles on ,

(From d in dtMapping.asEnumerable
Where d("App").toString.Trim.Equals(yourAppKeyVar)
Let rls = InputRoleVar.Trim("[]".ToCharArray).Split(","c).Select(Function (x) x.Trim).ToArray
Let wrl = d("Role in website").toString.Trim(" []".ToCharArray).Split(","c).Select(Function (x) x.Trim).ToArray
Where rls.Intersect(wrl).Any()
Select s = d("Role in Record").toString.Trim).FirstOrDefault()

and also recommended to externalize to variables when it is possible

UPD1 - included [ ] trim

UPD2 - fixed based on update from:

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