How to manipulate a part of string: Split, Trim, Substring, Replace, Remove, Left, Right

Hi @Nasya.Idris I have seen it was questioned long back. Still posting the link for your question through my short video.
Hoping it would help, if anyone approaches here with same question or you can even refer for the better and single liner approach.

This was treasure

Very good post. This has helped me several times :slight_smile:
Thanks for sharing!

Hello there,

Is there any way to remove the bullet point without text through automation in word?

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I used the assign method for removing the bullet. The left variable (“ohne_Aufzählungspunkt”) represents the variable for the result of the execution. For the right variable (“Aufzählungspunkt”), the enumeration point should be removed using enumeration_point.Replace("• ", “”). Unfortunately this does not work. Is there a better way to do this?

Try with this:

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Works for me

Thank you. Will check it out

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Hello together,

I’m getting crazy. Someone can help with extracting the actual title?
Here is the text (the TEST TITLE TO BE EXTRACTED I want as a result):

aStandard Operating Manual
Thanks in advance :slight_smile: !

Hi Adrian,

Can you please help me to get sentence as output “Waste management services”. This sentence will change dynamically. I have used split function but not getting proper output

Input String
StrItemDesc = “1 Waste management services 278922 RON 1 278922 RON”


:hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed: :+1: :+1: :+1:

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Can I use the Regex to extract the date time in the string? Can I use the Split function with Regex?


Few year ago, I use string.trim to handle the special space in a string, but it failed, then i use Trim(string), and it works. few year later, it report error as ‘trim’ is a type and can not be used as an expression. Can anybody help on this?

I don’t want to change it as string.trim one by one.