How to make it loop from target does not appear

I have created a pretty simple structure, and everything runs extremely well, until the target does not appear. It’s looking for a button that will either be green or red. If it’s green it will click the button and move on down my excel sheet, but if it’s red it doesn’t seem to know what to do. How can I make it loop back to the excel sheet and go to the next line?

Hello @Primal
Place the Element Exist activity within do while activity, Place the condition as ElementExistVariable = False, Untill becomes true the process will loop

You might be looking for the Continue activity.


Thank you for the information. That did help, but I found that I had to change the flow instead to get it to loop back around. It was basically trying to stay in order rather than see it as an option. In this particular case using Check App State did the trick. Thank again @kai.price.

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