How to loop the "select button" in webpage row by row

i have the webpage info like this:


Then, how can i loop “Select” --click one by one.

I will click first row “select”, then will go to another page, then will come back to this page again and select second row ,then will go to another page again, and this procedure repeated. How to do this?

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Does these select buttons have anything different in selectors? Possibly anything that indicates the order of the button?

@kaderms i will click first row " select" , then next row “select” , then “next row”.

selector for first row:


selector for second row:


i think the id will increase

Perfect! Here is the approach :
Create a variable rowNo=0

(assuming there would be atleast one Select button. Handle the case if it is not so)
Use a do while loop like below


  • Click : Selector = "<html app='chrome.exe' url='**><webctrl id='SELECT~modelsLimited~" + rowNo.ToString + "' tag='DIV'>"
  • Continue your process in the next page and get back to the previous page
  • Assign : rowNo = rowNo + 1
  • Element Exists : Selector = "<html app='chrome.exe' url='**><webctrl id='SELECT~modelsLimited~" + rowNo.ToString + "' tag='DIV'>"
    Save the boolean result as flagNextSelectExists

While flagNextSelectExists

This should get the work done. Hope this helps