I need to copy the content of 24 excel files to an other 24 excel files.
So the idea is to use read range and write range. But the issue is i will have to make like 12 read activities and 12 writes activities.
So, i figured! i would use an array for each of the files.
So the idea, is that i get all the 12 files names and all the 12 names of the other files. both saved on diffrent variables as arrays. Than i use for each to iterate on the 12 first files to read each one of them, and iterate on the same time on the 12 others, so they can save the content of each one them simultaneously.
One other issue, is that i have to copy the data from a specif file to an other specific file, which i know both names for all the 24 excel files.
So my idea worked well, but i encourted a problem. Each one of the 12 excel files i copy the data from has to be past to an other from the other 12 excel files. But the thing is that each one has to be copied to a specific one! At first i though since they are on windows i can use only arrays, copy and past easly. But now i have to find a way so that each one the files can be copied to the right one… I hope u do unterstand!
Do u have any idea? i mean add a switch inside the loop or condition ?
How about making a Config.xlsx file with all the names in it, and then use it in one loop?
and whenever you want to modify, add, delete, you easily do it from the Config File