How to launch UIPATH ROBOT

Does anyone here can guide me on how to deploy my Gmail automation or any other repeating task to start it on just one click.

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no worries
here you go a document from uipath

Cheers @RahulDhanuk

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without this orchestrator robot couldnt run ?

yah we can run from being in our studio with either pressing F5 or play button in studio
Cheers @RahulDhanuk

yeah exactly thats what i need to kmow.
pressing F5?
can i have some screenshot or steps to know how to do this, because i tried to open UIPATH ROBOT by clicking on studio just like you said but I encountered to an error, so can you guide me through?

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once after opening the workflow in studio (i.e., the main xaml) and press F5
–this will execute the process
–if we press F7 it will execute but in debug mode

so may i know what was the error you were facing
Cheers @RahulDhanuk


this is the error.

but when i m going to open email related file and run it couldnt show any error that means my IMAP is still connected.

hope you have used any one of these IMAP ports 143 and 993
if one doesnt work try with another one
Cheers @RahulDhanuk

i should explain to you what i wants to do.
here i made one login process which i use to do so now i want that now robot will do and read all unread messages and then signout from the system. and so here is what i did is, i went to UI robot and I clicked on to play button there it shows :"process started " like this and then suddenly that type of error pops up.

yes i have used 993 port.

and one more thing wanna to ask you is the PORTs are different for every other email servers or its the sane for all?

Yah got it
kindly check whether you gmail is enable for IMAP for that

  1. On your computer, open Gmail .
  2. In the top right, click Settings .
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Click the Forwarding and POP/ IMAP tab.
  5. In the " IMAP access " section, select Enable IMAP .
  6. Click Save Changes.

Cheers @RahulDhanuk

yes like i said its already been enabled but still it showing this kind of error.

and also i have cross checked to my email and its enabled.

can i have a view on the property panel of the IMAP activity with a screenshot
Cheers @RahulDhanuk

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yeah sure,

no worries
kindly have a view on this thread with troubleshoot

Try this and let know pls
Cheers @RahulDhanuk

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is it working now
Cheers @RahulDhanuk

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