How to know Min and Max Uipath Studio version to add for my pakage/activity on Marketplace?

Hello Guys , i have devloped a simple activity that is supported in Windows Compatiblity (.Net6.0-7.0)

now this was a mail i got from the marketplace team

" Andreea Stroe commented:


We have reviewed your submission and the following aspects require your attention:

* We are unable to install the submitted package in Studio-Windows. We are using Studio 2023.10 and .Net6 is installed in testing environment. Can you please check this at your end?

//See the image bellow 

* Since you are posting this package on behalf of your Company you should use the following convention: CompanyName.<PackageName>.Activities. For example, “<MyCompanyName>.<MyPakageName>.Activities”
* Please also add the following metadata information for the NuGet package:
  * License URL – Please specify the license URL based on the type of license you selected for your component.
  * License Acceptance check mark needs to be checked.
* Author field should have company name.
* The listing description text is too small. Please make sure to specify the business challenge(s) your listing solves, use case(s) in which it will be helpful, the audience it is intended for, etc. You can also provide a brief overview of the components your listing consists of.

Thank you,

Andreea & UiPath Marketplace Team"


My Question :-

so here the points im not sure what to do

  1. License Acceptance check mark needs to be checked.

Question :- Do i have to check the licence is autorized or checked by a authorized personal (I am using MIT Open Licence)

  1. Author field should have company name.

Question :- So do i have to add in both owner and author?

  1. We are unable to install the submitted package in Studio-Windows. We are using Studio 2023.10 and .Net6 is installed in testing environment. Can you please check this at your end?

Question :- As shown in the below image im able to install the pakage in the same UiPath version



  1. Question :- How to know which UiPath version supports my pakage/activity ?

EDIT:- Sorry i didnt have added licesnce for thenuget pakage itself it was for the github repositry, now also please tell me how to add a licence for nuget pakage and which licence applies to my pakage

My package contains a activity that help to check if a system has network connectivity or not

Hi Sagar,
Plese find below response to your questions.

Question 1:- Do i have to check the licence is autorized or checked by a authorized personal (I am using MIT Open Licence)
Response: You can share a URL of the license or text associated to your license in the license URL field. For instance, if you are using MIT license you can provide a link to MIT license text. Or you can use this link to generate MIT license. The MIT License – Open Source Initiative

Question 2:- So do i have to add in both owner and author?
Response: You may choose to keep yourself as author and company as owner. However, the reason Marketplace team recommends providing company name in both Authors and Owners field is that this not only helps in maintaining consistency across listings for future versions but also enhances branding of enterprise listings.

Question3:- As shown in the below image im able to install the pakage in the same UiPath version
Response: Please share this image with Marketplace team. Or you can also share a recording of execution of your activity with any version of UiPath Studio that supports Windows compatibility. The Marketplace team only wants to know if this package has worked with UiPath Studio-Windows at your end.

Question4 :- How to know which UiPath version supports my pakage/activity ?
Response: Your activity will work with all UiPath Studio versions which support that compatibility. For example, if you have created a “Windows” or “.Net6” compatible activity then it will work with all versions of UiPath Studio that support “Windows” compatibility.

We recommend using latest UiPath Studio version because the “End of mainstream & extended support” will be available for maximum period for latest version. For instance, all “2023.10.0”, “2023.4.5”, and “2022.10.11” support “Windows” compatible activities. Developing and testing on “2023.10.0” offers end-users maximum end of LTS support.

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Thanks a lot for that detailed answers, just one last thing , so as u said that .net6.0 support all studio version that has windows compatibility, can you tell me which is the min version or I can say the earliest version that started supporting windows compatibility so I can add it on the “Min Studio Version” in the marketplace?

Support for .NET 5.0 Windows and cross-platform projects was introduced first in UiPath Studio 2021.10.3
Studio - 2021.10.3 (

Support for .NET 6.0 Windows and cross-platform projects was introduced first in UiPath Studio 2022.4.1
Studio - 2022.4.1 (

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