How to keep same file location if the robot is transferred in another computer?

Hi, hope you all are having a great day. I’ve a RPA process that i built in my pc and i need to deploy it on another pc. In this process there is a screenshot which is kept in a folder under UiPath project folder. Also in this RPA process there is an activity that navigates to the screenshot location and attach it in a web platform. In my pc it is working fine. But i’m not sure when i will deploy the RPA process in another pc whether the screenshot finding path will work or not. Can anyone help me solve this problem on how i can create such location that will be same in all pc that i will deploy the robot?


Are you hard coding the path? or you are using the default path?


Hi, i’m actually using the default path.


If you check the TransactionStatus->SystemException->TakeScreenshot flow

The argument you are passing is as below

and from the Config file

So if you change the PC also it will be dynamic, and will not be an issue

If you want to specify the different path then you have to give the entire path in the value instead of Exceptions_Screenshots in config file

Hope this helps you


Thanks a lot, let me try the solution.

Hi @yasir.hoq.bssp ,

You can try this,

  1. Ex- You have data.xlsx file. If the file in download then the loation would be c:/user/download/data.xlsx. So, it is always preferable that the files you useshould be in project folder.

That means in the workflow folder, where you are build workflow.

  1. Once it is in place. Just map it again. Now you see location as “data.xlsx”

In this way, you can tackle the things