How to keep new changes in studio for all the project

so whenever i install certain new packages or do any some chnages

i want that to remain in all the projects or after restarting the studio

as currently for a project i installed taxonomy and abby ocr
thtat simply valished when i restarted the app or opned differnet project
please tell me
how to do that ??

Usually each project will have its own packages

That is if I m installing a package in project A it won’t reflect in a new project B

By default UiPath will have few packages in common in all the projects

But the one you mentioned is process and user specific
So a project with such packages won’t reflect in another project

That’s how it works and it is the optimal way as well

All the installed packages can be found in this folder path

Hope this clarifies your query
Cheers @Jiban_Kumar_Das

Hi @Jiban_Kumar_Das,

When you restart the app with the same project, then whatever packages you had added in the project will be visible there.

But if you open any other or new project, you will be only able to see packages tagged to those projects. By tagging I mean whatever packages you are able to see in project.Jason file of that project, only those packages would show up when you open it using studio.

And by default, any new project created would have around 4 basic packages - excel, mail, system and Uiautomation…

Apart from this any additional project added would be project specific and won’t carry forward on its own to another projects. That’s how it works.

Hope it clarifies.


You can’t do this. Each project is static - it uses whatever packages are defined within it. You cannot upgrade a project unless you open it and update the dependencies then publish it again. But why would you want to upgrade them? If they’re working, leave them alone. Upgrading the dependencies can break the automation.

i dnt know…it was possible…prior to thie update

like i could see all the newly installed packages in the activity pannel, in the new project as well.

Btw there’s no data in my package folder :worried:

Should i just reinstall everything?

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They are like default activities and packages
That comes under
UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities , UiPath.System.Activities , UiPath.Excel.Activities and UiPath.Mail.Activities

Remaining are the one installed in specific for that project which won’t reflect in other project unless it’s installed there as well

And yes we have to @Jiban_Kumar_Das

Hope this clarifies your query


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Do you have any further queries on this topic

Hi @Jiban_Kumar_Das,

It wasn’t possible even in earlier versions except the 4 default packages I mentioned in my note in above post.

Rest any new package has to be installed specifically in every project.
