How to iterate through a List of SQL scripts, execute, and export data table to .txt file

Okay, thank you this makes sense now.
Question: Will each out text be a separate file (data table) or will it write each data table to one file? I need them to be in separate files so I can upload the data into another system.

Yes buddy you keep them to be separate files,


I created a variable for the DataTable (outText), so how do I get the data into .csv format?

Buddy You have a activity called write csv activity that can take in the datatable and give out the csv file


I keep getting this run time error…what does it mean?

Where did you get this error buddy screen shot of workflow…


When I ran the workflow.

Buddy pass as item in read text file instead of scripts as scripts is a array, thats why showing one or more errors


I replaced the read text file with item (instead of script) and I get the error message. The output of read text is outtext, then I pass the outtext to execute query with the output datatable as DataOut, next I am taking DataOut as input to write CSV file with the path being the path to the output .csv files.

here are my variables…

what was the error buddy same or different


same error message as above.

In the details of the error message it says it can’t find the file, which is the script file. I noticed in the screen shot the path is incorrect even though I have it correct in my variables.