Project A
Main.xaml (entry piint)
Process 1
Process 2
Project B
Main.xaml (entry point)
Process 3 (enabled as entry point)
Process 4 (enabled as entry point)
Both Projects are under same folder called “Shared” in the orchestrator.
I can execute “Project A” that runs “Main” and invoke “Process 1” using “Invoke Workflow File” because both are under the same project.
I want to execute “Project A” that runs “Main” and invoke “Process 3” that belongs to “Project B” and is enabled as entry point.
How should I use “Invoke Workflow File”?
I can do it when I’m doing my development on Studio but I do not know how this should be
setup when my Projects are in the orchestrator.
Hi Anil,
Thank you. I used “Invoke Process” and found some interesting things:
1.- Because of my lisence type I have to check “Use Package”
2.- “Edit arguments” doesn’'t get arguments automatically. You have to type them manually.
3.- Some types of arguments doesn’t work. In my case an “IN” argument type “Secure Text” ad “OUT” argument type “Browser”.