How to interrate C# code in UIPATH

Hi Good day,

I have custom code create in visual studio 2022.
Now i want it to integrate in UiPath

is published my Script as .nupkg “MBR_Parser.1.0.0.nupkg”

now how to integrate this properly in UiPath

Here is my existing code

Thank you in advance


Can you try the following step?

  1. Create variable for the class in variable panel or data manager.
  2. Create instance of it using Assign activity.
  3. Call the method using InvokeMethod.

if possible, can you share the nupkg file? We might be able to write workflow for it.


thank you @Yoichi

Here is the nupkg File
MBR_Parser.1.0.0.nupkg (8.7 KB)

Thank you


How about the following, for example?

Sample (2.3 KB)


hi @Yoichi

i have 3 arguments needed in to run the Code
should I use 3 parameter as well?


If you want to call Main, the following may help you.

Sample20250107-3 (2).zip (2.3 KB)


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Thank you @Yoichi


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hi @Yoichi

When i try to Validate and Run the project I got the Error

Do you mean the above sample project (Sample20250107-3(2).zip) failed to compile?
Or regarding other project?

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