How to install BalaReva package

Hello everyone

I was looking for an activity to delete worksheets so I read that there is a package which includes this activity. I remember that I need to install package from configure source in Uipath package but I didn’t find which is the url to configure.

Can someone help me?

Uipath version is 2018.1.4.

Hi @cesarcu0990

Welcome to forum

Check the below link to install balareva packages


Or else still you had issues regarding the installation of package

Contact @balupad14, he will help you


Nived N :robot:

Happy Automation :relaxed::relaxed::relaxed:

Thanks. I downloades pacckage and move it to folder uipath activities but when I open UIpath studio It does not appear neither package nor any balareva activity

Hi @cesarcu0990 why can’t you try to download the package from manage package section in Uipath ?

Hi @cesarcu0990,

Without using BalaReve package you able to delete workbook sheet in excel. Try following below steps:

  1. Use Excel application Scope.
  2. Inside Excel application scope use Get Workbook Sheets - to read the sheet in excel.
  3. Use For Each loop
  4. Inside the For each loop use if condition to delete specific sheet in excel- item.Contains(“Sheet1”)
  5. If true, Use delete Workbook sheet - for this activity you need to install AdvanceExcel Package

Hope this helps


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Thank you for your answer but I check in uipath studio and I dont have that activity.

Do you consider that is due to my uipath version? (2018.1.4)

how do I do that?

I searched in manage package but It didnt find any result

Here is the documentation for your 2018.1.4 version: Managing Activities Packages

If you haven’t configured it to use the community packages, then you’ll have to scroll down to this section: Managing Activities Packages

The source should be:

Now when you search for “balareva” in the manage packages search bar, it should show up for easy installation