How to install ABBYY FlexiCapture SDK


How can I install the ABBYY FlexiCapture SDK in order to use the IntelligentOCR Activities?
I already have the ABBYY FlexiCapture Distributed installed on my machine, but every time I am starting a workflow which is containing the ‘IntelligenOCR Scope’ activity I get the error from the screenshot attached.


To use the Intelligent OCR activities, you need a license key issued by UiPath. After you make the request, you’ll receive a license key and installation instructions for the FlexiCapture SDK.

Please not that “for now UiPath only provides the Abbyy sdk if you make the request with your company email (that means if you use Trial or Enterprise version). For Community Edition we are considering providing it in future releases.”

Hi, is it also available for the users in Japan now?

Hi Mateus,

Thank you for your response. I’ve submitted the request and I’m currently waiting for a response.

Have a good day!

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I installed FlexiCapure Engine 12 ang i got license, but i cant runI IntelligentOCR Activities. Exception: “Failed to run non developer licens in developer library”.Can anyone help me? Thanks!

can I see your *.xaml?
thank you

Was this license issued by UiPath or directly by ABBYY?

I Have problem with ABBYY how can I fix it !