How to insert data from queue into multiple rows in data grid

I have a requirement in my current project, where I have to get the multiple data from the queue and insert them into an application that has a Datagrid.
I’m able to insert the first row, but struggling to insert the data into multiple rows.
If anyone has any ideas to share it would be great.

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Hey @Ajith_Vijayan

You mean you need to get multiple row items from a single queue item or multiple queue items one by one ?


Multiple row items from a single queue

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Try below steps

  1. Read Range Excel – Output – DT

  2. Assign Activity → DTDataRow (Type : Datarow) = DT.NewRow

  3. Multiple Assign →
    DTDataRow(“Name”) = in_TransactioItem.SpecficContent(“Name”).ToString
    DTDataRow(“Age”) = in_TransactioItem.SpecficContent(“Age”).ToString
    ( Name, Age,…… – Your Excel/Data Grid Columns)

  4. “Add Data Row” Activity → Properties – DataRow : DTDataRow
    DataTable : DT

  5. “Write Range” Activity → Write to your Data Grid.

(You can change the steps according to your grid)

Hey @Ajith_Vijayan

How are you currently saving multiple row items in a single queue item please ?


in Json array

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Hey @Ajith_Vijayan

  • Use Deserialize JArray activity to convert it back to DT

  • Use For-each row to iterate and enter the details into website

  • Check in the selectors if you can find the table row attribute so that you can pass the row count dynamically taking it from foreach row output


Thank you, will try