want to select the option ‘Last 7 Days’ only but select it seperately ,what activity will help?
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Did you try with Select Item activity ?
If it’s not working then use two click activities. One for clicking Drop-down and other one for selecting required value from drop down list.
Tried Double click activity and didn’t work also tried Select item that throws this error!!! -
select item ‘chrome_renderwidgethost…’: error HRESULT E_Fail has been returned from a call to a COM component
Not Double Click Activity. I said use two Click activities.
- First Click activity to click on Drop down menu.
- Second Click activity to select required item from drop down menu.
Yes click n send hot key will work well
Thanks…tried two click activities but once i click the drop down can’t able to select the single option it’s allowing me to select all.
in send hot key what option to be selected?
Use click for drop-down and then use send hotkey use down for that 5 times and then last enter hotkey
If still not worked then try click for drop-down
Then click text in that give 7 Days and indicate only that drop-down window
Can’t indicate the option 'Last 7 days ’ alone ,its getting selected as the whole box.Tried Click,Send hotkeys (down) -that part works though ,nothing works after
What happens when u use send hotkey for down is it going on Day7 ?
have u use after that Enter hotkey?
yes i used enter hot key and its not going to seven
where it is going then when u used down keys?
last option(Last 30 days) in the menu
Then delete 2 down hotkeys and then try to run
First Of all check how many hotkeys are needed to get Last 7 days
if not worked then Use Click Text activity in that indicate that entire dropdown window only and in text field give “Last 7 Days”
even tried that option too:)
Try Click image this is not g reliable bt you can use this this will definitely work
ok …thanks a lot for the suggestions.