what I am trying to achieve is after looping through my variable arrStr, if there are filenames in that array that is found in my intended folder, then my boolean ‘exists’ will return True, else false. Refer to the image below for reference.
I have checked the link but the operator cannot be used in my case.
Basically what I am try to achieve is:
“C:\Users\mes2301i\Downloads\AWB Automation Development Files"+item.ToString+”.pdf" Or “C:\Users\mes2301i\Downloads\AWB Automation Development Files"+item.ToString+”.xls"
However when I do that, It will say "Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from ‘String’ to ‘Long’
System.IO.File.Exists("C:\Users\mes2301i\Downloads\AWB Automation Development Files"+item.ToString+".pdf") OrElse System.IO.File.Exists("C:\Users\mes2301i\Downloads\AWB Automation Development Files"+item.ToString+".xls")