How to identify color in status bar in an app on Citirx server

Hi All,

I am working on automating a workflow, where I have to get the color code from the status bar of an app. If the color is Green, then the app is working fine.

I tried using the customized work flows ‘Get Pixel from Image’ or Color Detector, but none of them are working. The nearest I am getting is by using ‘Get Pixel from Image’, but if the resolution of the system changes, it sends different results.

Please suggest

Hi @vivekkhanna1982,
Welcome to the Community!
What about Image Exist activity nested in If activity like this:

Hi @Pablito I have tried this same workflow, and it doesn’t seem to be working. I even tried increasing the accuracy to 1, but it idn’t work

Is there any other way by which you could check if application is running? PowerShell invoke to check if process is in “running” state on the worker/session?

The green color signify that the app is connected to DB. That is the only thing that we can check.

Hi @vivekkhanna1982, Can you try with Get Process Activity which will show you all the process names which are currently running. Thanks, AK