How to handle a pop up , while doing background execution in mail

Hi all ,

My bot is running in the background and it tries to send a email. while execution it receives a pop-up . i have click okay and then continue the progress. how can i configure it .

Thanks in Advance

Hi @Akash_Clv

Use Element Exist activity and store OutPut variable.
Use If Condition

  • Within the “Then” section of the “If” activity, add a “Click” activity to click the “OK” button on the pop-up.
  • Configure the “Click” activity to target the “OK” button.
  • If the pop-up does not appear, the “Element Exists” activity will return “False,” and the bot will continue with the rest of the workflow.
  • If the pop-up appears, the “Element Exists” activity will return “True,” and the bot will execute the “Click” activity to close the pop-up.

Hope it helps!!

Hi @Akash_Clv

when the popup arises there will be okay buttons visibile so using check app state indicate that button and the issue will be resolved. In the target appears sequence give the keyboards shortcuts as enter or else use an click activity and indicate the okay button.

Hope it helps!!

Hi @Akash_Clv

Use check app state activity and indicate the popup if the popup appears then in the Target appears block give the click activity to hit on button to handle the popup.

Hope it helps!!


Use the “Image Exists” activity to check if the pop-up is present on the screen.
Add the “Do While” loop:
Use the “Click Image” activity to click the “OK” button on the pop-up.
After the “Do While” loop, continue with the rest of your email sending process.

hi @pravallikapaluri ,

My process is a background process and we don’t interact with the UI

Thanks and regards,


Hi @Akash_Clv

Use Check app state activity to indicate the popup in target appears block send mail


Use Check app state or element exists activity
if the pop up appear
Give Delay until the pop up vanishes
And then process the send email

The popup is the Ui element right, then we have to handle the popup with the UiPath activities only.
In this case, use the check app state activity will handle the popup.

Hope you understand!! @Akash_Clv

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