How to group by multiple columns from a datatable

Have a Look Here for an example with 1 Key

In your Case a linq could Look Like following
(From d in dt.asenumerable
Group d by k1=d(0). toString.trim.substring(0,10), k2=d(1).toString.trim Into grp=group
Let s= grp.sum(function (x) CDbl(x(2).toString)
Let ra = New Object(){k1,k2,s}
Select dtResult.rows.add(ra)).copytodatatable

dtResult is Just an empty datatable with the needed Output structure. Often IT can be Cloned from Origin datatable with dt.clone Statement.

Expect some minor issues with the Statement as i have answered from Cellphone and Cell Phone is often doin pairprogramming with me but Hits wrong parts into the code

EDITED: Link to our tutorial series

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