How to grab row values from a table

Hi All,

How to grab the values from a table which is displayed in a web. I want to grab to values and display it in message box. Lets take example of Array a[4][8]. The Column header is “EName”. Where I want a[0][1],a[0][2],a[0][3],a[0][4],a[0][5],a[0][6],a[0][7],a[0][8]. Only row values of first column are required(the data will be in web).

Thanks and Regards,


Please use data scrapping to scrap the structured data from the web this should give you a datatable.
Once you have the datatable get the count of the columns using datatable.Columns.Count. Use counter to loop through all the columns of a row using the expression datatable.Rows(0).Item(counter).

HI Gourav_kumar,

Thanks for your response, I tried it ,its working fine with only that URL, If I am automating it for multiple URL’s(lets say 10), its fetching same data of the first URL irrespective of current ULR.Could you suggest any way.

Hi @srikanth999

Once you are done with one webpage, clear the data table using the “Clear Data table” activity and then use it for scrapping the data from the second web page. Hope this helps.

Hi Gourav,

I Did it, But when I try to scrap data from next URL its showing error like “No value at Row1”.


Can you please share your workflow?


Is that fine

Gourav Its working fine thank you

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