How to Grab data from a web list

Hi there, I’m ever the same newbie…

I started trying using Ui Path Studio one week ago! Pls be patient!

Thi is my project
Siggi (2.6 MB)

I have to grab all data from the site regarding shop product (there are 445 items in a list)

As Peter told me in another thread as you see product page is a list and it shows first 10 items;
if you press “next button” the page show you first ten products plus other 10 items and so on every time yu click on button;

I used Extract Table Data… but kind user @ppr tell me this:

is a list with links (show article buttons)

  • grab the list woth the urls
  • then iterate over the list and extract the details along with color / size drop down values

How to do that instead using Extract Table data activity?


Take a look here:

Hopefully this helps



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while indicating table there will be an option “Extract data from multiple pages” just enable it…
hope it helps


Thank so much for your answer! @Steven_McKeering
I tried but in rel 2023.6.1 UI is quite different;
so I choosed Scraping - Table Extraction in Ribbon menu but I do not find the same options there are in your video…

I cannot add column or oher… I think video is realized with another version of Ui Path studio (?)

I also noted that because of structure of list (not table) I think it’s impossible to grab data with that tool…

as you see in image, data are not structured in a table… so i think impossible to find “column”

What do you think?

Thank so much for your answer! @Mohammed_Ismail_Rahid

I tried yet but it doesen’t work because that is not really a page;
If you take a lok to homepage and try to click to “next button” You’ll see that page doesn’t change but it shows to you first 10 item and other 10 …and so on every time you click on button; until the end of list

As previewed here:


we would enhance the grabbed url with the base url afterwards

see sample above, as we were able to get at least the preview

@ppr sorry… let me know if I have undertsood correctly

1 - use Ectract Data table to have URL of first 10 products right?
2 - grab alla data i need for each of that URL…

is it correct?

we can page during the extraction and grab all the links from the different pages

thanks for your quick answer… :slight_smile:
How to do that?

use the next button doesn’t work…

always better to tell what was done, what is failing. Especially when something is not working at the first try, we just attack it within the second iteration

After a quick check we would also share the following feedback

  • data grabbing - next button click for paging is woking in general
  • but webpage is taking some time for loading the next data (we do see the loading spinner)

In such a case we can do

  • using the data grabbing for the extraction of a page
  • implementing our custom paging and synchronize it on the the loafing spinner

I’m really sorry about this… :flushed:
As I said above I’ve been trying use UiPath Studio since 1 week ago… I’m a rookie;

Sorry… Do you mean in my project or generally in UI Path Studio?

modelling in your project

@ppr Sorry… could I send pvt msg to you pls?

Actually I haven’t solved yet…

If somebody could be so kind to explain step by step how to solve I’ll be thankfull

Thank so much in advance