How to get value from each row of a CSV and giving as input to a webpage

Here is my scenario, please can anyone help on this ??

  1. Have to give the each row value(Device Id) as input to a web page
  2. Then have to click a search for the particular value(Device ID)
  3. Then have to open the particular Device
  4. Then have to take a value from that device detail page and have to paste it in the same row but diff column of the csv.

Steps i have done:

  1. Read the csv that has device ID
  2. then opened the browser, logged in then navigate to search page
  3. Then i added for each row activity and gave device id as input for search field
  4. Then clicked on the search
  5. Then added Get text activity to get the value
  6. Then generated data table activity

Issue am facing is : the device id is not entered in the search field

Please assist me on this am new to this uipath.

buddy enable the type into activity with the following properties buddy

Clickbefore typing

Cheers @Sathishkumar_Rajan

Please record the text field using UI Explorer.
Make sure the selector is validating the search field.

Hi Thanks Palaniyappan, but the value is not entered in the search filed

this my looping statement

Buddy yes @Sathishkumar_Rajan
here in the type into activity enable those properties that i mentioned buddy
It will ensure that the value is entered in to the field


Yes i have done but no use, when i run the input is not entered

Buddy kindly check whether the column name mention here row(“Device Id”) is correct
–check whether you are getting any value from this column Device Id once after read csv file and getting as a output of type datatable

Cheers @Sathishkumar_Rajan

Hi @Palaniyappan it is working now but i face another issue, i have added an activity to click the search result but on every run it is not clickable (Cannot find Ui element)… Thanks

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No Worries enable the properties in click activity

Then we need to check with dynamic part of selectors attributes in click activity. i will tell you how to check tat
–go to click activitiy and click on search button for one value in the search field and get the selectors, copy that to notepad
–Again go to click activity and click on search buttton for different value in the search field that you have and get the selectors and again copy and paste it to the notepad

now you have two selectors for different search values, see the one which is getting changed in the selector and replace that value with wildcard * , for example if aaname attribute in the selector is getting changed from to first selector to the second
then replace the attribute aaname value like this
aaname = ‘*’

Thats all buddy it will work for sure
Kindly try this and let know buddy whether this works or not
Cheers @Sathishkumar_Rajan

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@Palaniyappan No it is not working
the elements tags are below:
“webctrl id=‘sel_2663’ parentid=‘22125’ tag=‘SPAN’ />”
“webctrl id=‘sel_2663’ parentid=‘21983’ tag=‘SPAN’ />”
then i changed to :
“webctrl id=‘sel_2663’ parentid=‘*’ tag=‘SPAN’ />”

But i have one more problem here, there is an another element using the same tag:
“webctrl id=‘sel_2663’ parentid=‘search_2663’ tag=‘SPAN’ />” which i dont want to click , but uipath is clicking this element instead of the desired element…


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Buddy in uiexplorer for that selector (the click element you want actually to click) is there any attribute named aaname in the right side attribute name checkbox list

Cheers @Sathishkumar_Rajan

Yes in ui explorer there is aaname

Buddy select that attribute aaname and add it to the selector
–remove the parentid attribute by unchecking the check box at the right side
–make the title attribute dynamic buddy like this title = ‘*’

try this buddy @Sathishkumar_Rajan

I have done the same but in ui explorer it is validating but in selector editor it is not validating, please check the images

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Buddy dont create a new title attribute buddy change the one which is already available buddy
Kindly make that change and share that screenshot buddy
Your were almost done
Cheers @Sathishkumar_Rajan

But the title is inactive in the Selector Editor. I am unable to edit it.

buudy i think you have used attach browser or attach window or open browser go there and make changes buddy and remove the highlighted title buddy…
dont worry about the vlidate in red color once after changing


cheers @Sathishkumar_Rajan

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Hi Thanks i used repair option and it is working fine now thanks a lot for ur help…

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Fantastic buddy
Kindly make a solution that could help others as well buddy @Sathishkumar_Rajan

Hi @Palaniyappan am again facing the same issue ie locating element,

success - webctrl aaname=‘"SUCCESS"’
colName=‘Message Time’
css-selector=‘body>table>tbody>tr>td>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>pre>ul>li>ul>li>ul>li>span’ innertext=‘"SUCCESS"’
rowName=‘Message Type’
title=‘UIoT | Universal Internet Of Things’ />


success - webctrl aaname=‘"2019-05-29T09:27:17.039Z"’
css-selector=‘body>table>tbody>tr>td>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>pre>ul>li>ul>li>ul>li>span’ innertext=‘"2019-05-29T09:27:17.039Z"’
rowName=‘Message Type’
title=‘UIoT | Universal Internet Of Things’ />

here i need to take this value aaname=‘"2019-05-29T09:27:17.039Z&quot ie the date but i am getting Success — aaname=’"SUCCESS"’

i used wildcard but it is taking SUCCESS only, i cant move further could u please help me on this??