How to get top 10 queue items using Orchestrator Http request activity?

Hi All,

I want get top 10 queue items using Orchestrator Http request activity, by default we are getting 1000 queue items. Can someone help with this?

Rate Limit for Results Displayed for Automation Cloud Orchestrator API Request

Note that, for Automation Cloud Orchestrator services, the results displayed by the API requests are limited to 1000 entries for each page.
You can use $top and $skip parameters in your requests to retrieve subsequent pages. For example, use the GET$top=1000&$skip=2000 request to retrieve the robot log entries between 2001 and 3000.

So in your case it will be$top=10&$skip=0

(it will retrieve only the first 10 QueueItems)


@marian.platonov Thanks bro for your time

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