How to get the URL from the Button click event?

Hi All,

I have a Link

In that link there are many dates and click on entire list it displays one pdf file based upon the dates the PDF files are generated.

And I should get those links and generate those PDF and download it.

Then I need to search unique text in all the downloaded PDF and get the text and write it in document file or excel file.

If there’s a solution or workflow please let me know it.


i do not see any dates here …

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Hi allurai_india Sir,

Click on the Madras you will get the dates.

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Hi allurai_india Sir,

Click on the Madras you will get below image.

Then Select DailyList and submit you will get the dates

the entirelist button, based upon the selection of dates and we will get the PDF files… Sir


There is other way to achieve your goal. Please see whether it helps.
We can do manipulation of the output link generated by selecting the data and click ENTIRE LIST:


Till this part is same :

Remaining part: 01313112019.pdf - Not sure what is 013 but after that is the date which you selected.

Then based on month and date you can do string manipulation and generate the required PDF link

Sasikumar K

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Hi Sasi.lalo Sir,

Can you send me the workflow of it Sir?

Hi All,

Is there any workflow for the topic?