How to get the sheet names are write that in a column but it shouldn’t take the names of sheets already present in that column.
Please elaborate more with example. So I can share the working xaml with you for your problem statement.
In a excel file, the sheet names should be retrieved and write in a column but if any sheetnames already present in that column, that sheet names should not be considered.
Please find the attached xaml file:-
Get Sheet Name (10.3 KB)
If it works for you, please mark this post as solution, so other can refer the same.
the sheetnames in the column are dynamic
Use get workbook sheet activity
and before writing that to a column of excel use the below expression
I use 1 datatable with some column names.
I fetch column names in a array
Then I read input excel file. Fetch the sheet names in a array.
Compare column name & sheet names arrays & find the missing sheet names which are not present in the datatable using linq.
Then I am adding those sheetname as a column in datatable.
Hope this is what you expected as a solution.
Instead of build datatable, can I use read range workbook activity…
how can I specify the column in which the values are present
Not getting your problem statement.
Book 1.xlsx (24.7 KB)
in sheet3, there is a column called sheet names
The sheet names present in the column are dynamic
In that column, the sheet names should be retrieved and write in that column
If any sheet names present in that column then the sheet should not be considered.
So in this case, bot should read sheet 1 & sheet 2. Correct?
output,sheet1,sheet2 and should be write at the end if the sheet4 value in sheet3
What will be there in output sheet?
So bot need to write all the sheets in new excel workbook?
yes it should retrive all the sheetnames and write in new sheet (sheet3 in my excel) under sheetnames column
if any existing sheetnames are there in that column, then sheetname should be avoided
I have a input file with me. Please share expected output file as well.
If this works for you, please mark it as a solution, so others can refer the same.
the column names should not interchange
the output and other sheet names should comes under sheet4