How to get the current running Xaml file name dynamically

Hey @mwerner I tried to use your library Alphabet.Workflow.Activities and it works perfectly for getting the Xaml file name but I also tried to use the other activities under Logging (e.g. Log Start Of Workflow) and they do not work under UiPathStudio Version 2020.4.3 when I move of of this actities to a workflow, following exception appears:

Exception screenshot:

What could be the reason? Wrong version of UiPath.Core.Activities.LogMessage package? I am using version 20.4.0.


Hi @Phipsll i just tested the activities with the newest version 2020.10 (BETA) and everything is working. Which version of Workflow.Activities are you using?

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Hello @mwerner thank you for your fast response. I am using version 3.1.0 of Workflow Activities, more details you can take from the screenshot below. As a workaround, I have downgraded UiPath.System.Activities to version 19.8.0 that the logging activities work again.

P.S: My licence for UiPath Studio is only limited to version 2020.4.3 and is not possible to upgrade as far as I know.

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I was the same! Obtaining file name was great but the Logging tools do not work and I received the same error. I’ve just done my logging so it will probably be the same result as what that product originally offered?


Yes this works as workaround for me too and I already use this but I am not really happy with that to be honest. :slight_smile:


Hi there, i’m currently in process of uploading a new version which solves this problem. Stay tuned :slight_smile:


Hi @mwerner, thank you for your fast action and solving this problem by uploading Version 3.2.0. No the activities are working with UiPath.System.Activities Version 20.4.0 but there is still a minor bug that you have swapped Prefix and Suffix Input. More details can be seen on the screenshot below.

I thank you for your effort!


Thanks Markus for sharing this useful package.

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Thanks for the easy to use package, but would also like to share our experience using it.

We did use the package to get the current worfklow name in our library workflows. Turns out that, when the library is built and imported into a REFramework things dont work out.

Tldr: Alphabet Package checks for the workflow being run on runtime and not the workflow you actually wanted to log. This occurs when using the “Get xaml file name” activity in a library acitivity and when consuming the activity in a REFramework.


  1. Create a library: Library_x → Dependencies → Alphabet Workflow Activities
  2. In the library_x created workflow “Add.xaml” - Placed a “Get xaml file name” activity. And log message.
  3. Test: Works as expected. Returns the current workflow name i.e., “Add”.
  4. Build the library_x.nupkg
  5. Import library.nupkg and use in REFramework
  6. Used the library_x activity “Add” in the “Process.xaml” in REFramework.
  7. When the REFramework is run the logs show “Prosess” as file name instead of “Add” (which is where the “Get xaml file name” resides).

Our current solution to get the filename:
In the end, we had to uninstall Alphabet and update 40 workflows manually. Out approach was to go to the basics and hardcode the filename.

Assign —>out_ThisFileName = “CurrentFileName.xaml”


Hi there! At last, were you able to get any other solution for this? This is giving me big time headache as well…


Thanks for this solution,it is working perfectly …

When I use the get xaml name both from the alphabet package and the getparent package i just get the return as dynamicactivity and its a xaml ran from inside another xaml, could anyone offer some help?

I’m experiencing the same issue . It return “DynamicActivity” when running Invoke workflow file. Is there any workaround?

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In the UiPath.System.Activities activity package (checked against the version 21.10.4) there’s the activity “Get Current Job Info” that returns an object of type CurrentJobInfo.

CurrentJobInfo has a member property by the name WorkflowName that contains the name of the currently executing workflow file without its .xaml extension.