How to get required string in a given string

how to get a the required string…


I need the string after the acce and before the code…

Hi hope this expression would help your resolve this
Let’s take like str_input is assigned with the above value
So the expression in assign activity is
Str_output = Split(Split(Str_input,”””acce:”””)(1).ToString,”””Code:”””)(0).ToString

Cheers @Madhukumar_M

it is showing me the error that index out of bound

Deserialize that string into a Jobject, And the you can get the requored data by using “acce” as key

here you go with the xaml
hope its resolved (10.9 KB)

Cheers @Madhukumar_M

Thank u…its working

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to remove the double quotes
str_output = str_output.ToString.Replaces(“”“”,“”)

note : four double quotes is mentioned in Replace method " " " " like this “”“”"

Cheers @Madhukumar_M

Great…its working thank u

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Cheers @Madhukumar_M

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Heyyy @Madhukumar_M,

As I see it is a JSON, you will get it dynamic from the server or through any other source, so its better to use, deserialize JSON, then simply the required value you can get using


yes…it is json…I will check it