How to get outlook emails which are ‘read’ and exclude unread emails
Hi @TrinadhB
In the property panel of the get outlook mail messages activity, uncheck the OnlyUnreadMessages box.
- OnlyUnreadMessages - Specifies whether to retrieve only unread messages. By default, this check box is selected.
Hope this helps,
Best Regards.
Hi Trinadh,
This might help you
You can use this in the filter of get outlook mail messages
"[IsRead] = true"
Then you would get only read mail
Hope this helps
It gives the following error -
Get Outlook Mail Messages: The property “IsRead” is unknown.
My bad please use this "[UnRead] = False"
Just Tested it and this works as expected to get only read messages
HI @TrinadhB
You can use the ‘Get Outlook Mail Messages’ activity. You can uncheck the “onlyUnreadMessages” property and set the “Top” property value as “-1” to get all mail messages.
If you want only unread mail messages, you can check the “OnlyUnReadMessages” option
Check out the docs
This works fine and as expected. Thanks!
However Can we tweak it to combine ‘Subject like’ condition to this?
You can try this
"@SQL=urn:schemas:mailheader:subject LIKE '%Test my M%' AND urn:schemas:httpmail:read=1"
Replace ‘Test my M’ with any subhect you want to check and 1 is to represent read
Thank you @Anil_G . Its working super fine.
Thanks Again!!
Can you tell me where to learn these queries/expressions?
I generally go from here Items.Find method (Outlook) | Microsoft Learn
thats an exhaustive list…
Happy Automation
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