How to get link of dynamic website?

After making a search filter i want to extract the table in output excel but each search filtering website link is changing (naturally cos searching somethin different :slightly_smiling_face:)

This is the page that i ll make table extraction.

Now how can i get the link of this website? (The best way :thinking:)

Hi @170290064
why do you need the URL?
you can replace the dynamic part of the website with an asterisk(*) in the container activity.

You can try to identify the dynamic part and run the bot for different items after search.
It should be able to do it.


Happy Automation! :smiley:

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I have never thought that before :thinking:

Why not! I ll try :ok_hand:

Hi @170290064

First you need to open the website by either with the process flow or actual URL then you can identify that webpages with dynamic URL’s with wildcards.

If you want to freshly open the webpage, you can pass the dynamic URL with variable names containing the URL information.

Hope it helps.

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