Hello Everyone, Hope you are doing good
I would like to present this post who are looking for the File and Folder
Let Jump into the Tutorial
We are look into some Modern activities
Get Files in Folder
Get the specific folder
Get all the files in the subfolder
Get Directories
Get File and Folder Creation and Size
Folder Description - A folder is a storage area that helps keep your projects separate. They enable you to maintain fine-grained control over automations and their intrinsic entities, and personnel across the entire organization.
Get Folder Info Description - Retrieves the properties of a specified folder and saves the information for later use in the project. You can then select one of the folder properties as input for another activity
Get File Info Description - Retrieves the properties of a specified file and saves the information for later use in the project. When you then use the saved information in another activity, you select one of the file properties as input
Get Files in Folder
Step 1 : Use Assign activity.
LHS : Create an variable | ProjectPath | Variable Type -> String
RHS : Environment.CurrentDirectory+"\"
Step 2 : Use Assign activity.
LHS : Create an variable | GetFileinFolder | Variable Type -> Array(String)
RHS : Directory.GetFiles(ProjectPath+"2022\Linia 1","*.pdf")
Note : Based on the user needing you can update the extension in the expression
Step 3: Use For each activity
For Each : item
In : GetFileinFolder
Use Log message | Assign activity to display the output
"Folder path - "+ item.ToString
"file Name with Extension - "+ Path.GetFileName(item.ToString)
"file Name without Extension - "+ Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(item.ToString)
Get the specific folder
Step 1 : Use Assign activity.
LHS : Create an variable | GetSpecficFolder | Variable Type -> String
RHS : Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile)+"\Downloads"
Note : It will get Download folder
RHS : Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%USERPROFILE%\Desktop")
Note : It will get Desktop folder
Get all the files in the subfolder
Step 1 : Use Assign activity.
LHS : Create an variable | ProjectPath | Variable Type -> String
RHS : Environment.CurrentDirectory+"\"
Step 2 : Use Assign activity.
LHS : Create an variable | GetFileinSubFolder | Variable Type -> Array(String)
RHS : Directory.GetFiles(ProjectPath+"2022\","*.*",SearchOption.AllDirectories)
Note : Based on the user needing you must update the folder path
Step 3: Use For each activity
For Each : itemSub
In : GetFileinSubFolder
Use Log message | Assign activity to display the output
"Folder path - "+ itemSub.ToString
Get Directories
Step 1 : Use Assign activity.
LHS : Create an variable | ProjectPath | Variable Type -> String
RHS : Environment.CurrentDirectory+"\"
Step 2 : Use Assign activity.
LHS : Create an variable | GetDirectories | Variable Type -> Array(String)
RHS : Directory.GetDirectories(ProjectPath+"2022\","*.*",SearchOption.AllDirectories)
Note : Based on the user needing you must update the folder path
Step 3: Use For each activity
For Each : itemSub
In : GetDirectories
Use Log message | Assign activity to display the output
"Get all the Directories - "+itemDirectories.ToString
Get File and Folder Creation and Size
Get creation time for a file
New FileInfo("FilePath").CreationTime
Get creation time for a folder
New DirectoryInfo("FilePath").CreationTime
Get size of a File in kb
New FileInfo("FilePath").SizeInKB
Get size of a Folder in kb
New DirectoryInfo("FilePath").SizeInKB
Note : You can also try with For each File in folder and For each Folder in folder activities
For each File in folder Description - Executes an activity or a series of activities for each file in a specified folder. Use this activity when you are working with the files in a folder and you want to repeat one or more activities for each individual file.
For each Folder in folder Description - Executes an activity or a series of activities for each child folder in a specified folder. Use this activity when you are working with child folders in a parent folder and you want to repeat one or more activities for each individual child folder
Check out the Project File
Forum_GetFile-Folders.zip (361.2 KB)
Official Documentation for reference
Hope this will be helpful
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