How to get datetime of EST hrs & append line activity not showing latest hh:mm:yyyy time in log file

Hi All ,
Could any one help me in below queries.

  1. How to get Latest datetime stamp for EST hours in email subject line ?

  2. I am using append line activity for updating my custom log file and in that hh:mm:yyyy is not updating for each line time

e.g my log file looks like
15/10/2022 19:46:55- enter name in sheet
15/10/2022 19:46:55- update the name in application
15/10/2022 19:46:55- update the Job name in application
15/10/2022 19:46:55- update the Status in application

Logic i used in my variable
Logtime = System.DateTime.Now.ToString(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:yyyy" ,System.Globalization.cultureinfo.invariantculture)

Kindly help in this issues .

Hi @Krishnakumar_Vasudevan ,

Please find my answers below. Try if the below could help you.

  1. To convert the current time zone to EST please refer the below link. It would help you
  1. To get the hours minutes and second in time stamp use the format like hh:mm:ss instead of hh:mm:yyyy


Thanks kiran , but tried download time zone convertor from market space but that doesn’t working out.

Do we have one line queries to get latest timestamp of EST hrs .

hello krishna,
the link that kiran provided has a second reply which gives a one line query as you need.

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Hi @Krishnakumar_Vasudevan,

What about Below

tdEST(TimeZoneInfo)= TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(“US Eastern Standard Time”)

tdOutput(System.DateTime)= TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(DateTime.Now,tdEST)


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