How to get current user logon time windows 10 using UiPath
Thanks in advance
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You use System.DateTime.Now to get the current system date and time.
You can use an Assign activity in UiPath to assign this value to a variable. However, this method may not give you the exact logon time, but rather the current time.
Check out this thread
give a try with
Thank for quick response but it will give last logon date and time. I am looking for current logon time.
I looking for window logon time. Not current time
Can you scrape the text from the CMD window and paste the raw text in here?
We can then create a Regex pattern to scrape the logon time.
Is any approach using system variable direct read using code.
I’d prefer that solution too. I don’t know any option to achieve that.
But you can scrape and extract it reliably.
You can run the command with Invoke Power Shell and then extract the time from the active row.
logonTime = Right(psOutput.Where(Function(x) x.Contains("Active")).First.ToString, 14)
Solution its work but attached validation error. How resolve same, please help.
Thanks in advanced
When validating on my computer, I don’t get any warning about the Invoke Power Shell activity. Attaching the xaml-file in case you want to test.
CurrentUserLogonTime.xaml (8.0 KB)
- Drag and drop the “Assign” activity onto the workflow canvas.
- In the “To” field of the “Assign” activity, enter a variable name to store the logon time.
- In the “Value” field of the “Assign” activity, enter the following code:
System.Diagnostics.EventLog.GetEventLogs("System", Environment.MachineName).Where(Function(x) x.Log == "System" And x.Source == "Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon").OrderByDescending(Function(x) x.Entries(x.Entries.Count - 1).TimeGenerated).FirstOrDefault().Entries.LastOrDefault(Function(x) x.InstanceId == 7001).TimeGenerated
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