How to get current row, rows above current row and rows below current row into new datatable

Hi All,

How to get current row, rows above current row and rows below current row into new datatable, except blank row and rows after blank rows :


For ex, current row is row no 4.

I want to get this :


Hi @Suastrian_Dika ,
You want to get data in a range that is empty outside of it
that’s right?
You can get data table by read range,
for each row in data table then check 1st blank and 2nd blank
get data inside this range

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To get Rows above the current row

  1. Use a assign activity to mention from which u need to consider

int_rownumber = 2

I m just giving 2 as an example

  1. Now use a assign activity like this to get the clone of existing datatable

dt_new = dt.Clone

  1. Then use a clear datatable activity and pass dt_new as input and output

  2. Finally use Add Datarow activity where in Datarow property mention as


And datatable as dt_new

Another add Datarow activity where mention as

dt.Rows(int_number) and datatable as dt_new

Same applies for current row and next row to it

Instead of -1 use + 1 with sequence like this in add Datarow activity



Hope this helps

Cheers @Suastrian_Dika

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