How to get all youtube comments into excel


I want to get youtube comments into excel sheet

excel sheet cosists of 2 columns username and comment message

comment should not be constant number it might be changes
I need to extract all comment

Please take any sample video in youtube. How to do it.


Hi @Sai.Srinivas ,

Please use data scraping to achieve the same.

Below is the implementation.
YoutubeComments.xlsx (10.4 KB)
YoutubeComments.xaml (10.3 KB)

Please mark this as solution(If this code works for you) to close this thread.

Ashutosh Gupta

Hi @Sai.Srinivas ,

you can follow below steps,

1.Use Data Scrapping
2.Select Name
3.Select Comments
4.You will get ExtractDataTable as DT
5.You can write it into the excel using write range activity
