How to generate reports for every 45-minute run?

I am running a bot in gap of 2 hours and each run is for 45 min
Now I need to generate the report for success and exception entries every time after 45 min for the processed items during that period.
Please suggest

Hi @jast1631

After execting all the queue items you can develop the code to generate the report with the same bot. In the same process you will include this code at last after all items got executed.

Then there is no need to create other process and trigger the another bot again.

Hope it helps!!

Hi @jast1631

Please refer the below thread

How to take item from queue which are processed during that run it self that is the query and in same run in the end it should generate and share the report with respective fellow

Use the Get Queue Items activity, where you can specify the From and To dates and times to retrieve the queue items from the last hour up to the current time. This will fetch the queue items within the past hour.

I mentioned 1 hour as a general example; you can adjust the time range based on your specific requirements.

After getting output from Get queue items iterate through each item and get the data and write in the excel, then share the excel file to the Target audience.

Hope you unerstand!!

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