How to generate 100 rows after Order id

``Hi All,

I have input sheet added to queue and iam processing all orders one by one but every 100 through api i have to generate order id and copy that order id in report how to do that

Can any one help

Hi @Thunga_Hima ,

I believe we would need more information on the process steps that you are trying to perform.

How is the Order ID generated ? Do you want to do some operation after processing 100 rows from the Queue ?

A bit more explanation would help us derive the methods and activities to be used for your case.


We get input sheet from salesforce will add that in queue. We have to perform some validations like location and pricing and after validations passed we have to save that quote in salesforce. After saving the quote will generate scenario id based on customer number. this scenario id should be same for 100 rows in input excel. like 100 batches one scenario id we are calling api to generate scenario id
IPVPNBackdata.xlsx (12.9 KB)
Report.xlsx (8.6 KB)


Then it would be better if you can add same reference for a group of 100 items while adding itself…so that …at the end of process you can check if with the given reference are there anymore items…if not…all 100 can be retrieved and we can use them with one single id as needed
