How to fix space issue

Hi, I have a pdf and it contains subtotal as 67890.67,
While extracting and writing in to excel it becomes 67890 67.
I want to remove that space and instead of that I have to provide “.”,
Using read cell I read that subtotal from particular excel cell and store that to a variable(total),
and I provided a condition if total contains " "
then in then part I provided total. Replace(" “,”."),But Im getting error
String cannot be of zero length.
Parameter name: oldValue.
Can anyone please help me to fix it.

Hi @Chippy_Kolot .

Could you confirm if you are getting the extracted data with a space in between ?

Also, Is the PDF Digital ?

Hi @Chippy_Kolot

If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(total) AndAlso total.Contains(" “) Then
total = total.Replace(” ", “.”)

Hope it helps!!

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