How to find latest time

If I want to find the latest time if all dates are same then how to do that?

I do have linq query for finding max date, but looking for max time

(From row In dtInput
Group By id=row(0) Into grp = Group Let md=grp.Max(Function (d) d(1)) Select dtMax.Rows.Add({id,If(md.ToString.Trim.Equals(String.Empty),“”,CDate(md.Tostring).ToString(“MM/dd/yyyyy”))})).CopyToDataTable

Following are three columns

Username Login Date Login Time 3/4/23 12:15 PM 3/4/23 12:30 PM 3/4/23 12:45 PM 3/4/23 1:30 PM 3/5/23 9:45 AM 3/5/23 10:00 AM 3/6/23 1:15 PM 3/6/23 1:30 PM 3/6/23 1:45 PM 3/6/23 2:00 PM 3/6/23 2:15 PM 3/6/23 2:30 PM 3/6/23 2:45 PM 3/6/23 3:00 PM 3/6/23 3:15 PM 3/6/23 3:30 PM 3/6/23 3:45 PM


Try this

(From row In dtInput Group By id=row(0) Into grp = Group Let md=grp.Max(Function (d) d(1)) mt = grp.Max(Function(x) Cdate(If(x(1).ToString.Trim.Equals(String.Empty),"01/01/1900",CDate(x(2).Tostring).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")) + If(x(2).ToString.Trim.Equals(String.Empty),"00:00:00 AM",Date.ParseExact(x(2).Tostring,"hh:mm tt",System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("hh:mm:ss tt")))) Select dtMax.Rows.Add({id,If(md.ToString.Trim.Equals(String.Empty),“”,CDate(md.Tostring).ToString("MM/dd/yyyyy")),cdate(mt).ToString("hh:mm tt")})).CopyToDataTable

Please change the time format if its different…hh:mm tt is what is the format for 11:12 AM

Hope this helps


Hi @khooshbu.jani

Please try the below query:

(From row In dtInput
Group By id=row(0) Into grp = Group
Let maxDateTime = grp.Max(Function(d) CDate(d(1).ToString.Trim & " " & d(2).ToString.Trim))
Select dtMax.Rows.Add({id, If(maxDateTime.ToString.Trim.Equals(String.Empty), “”, maxDateTime.ToString(“MM/dd/yyyyy hh:mm:ss tt”))})

Hope this helps,
Best Regards.


I tried it, but getting following error:

Test.xaml: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression “(From row In dtInput Group By id=row(0) Into grp = Group Let md=grp.Max(Function (d) d(1)) mt = grp.Max(Function(x) Cdate(If(x(1).ToString.Trim.Equals(String.Empty),“01/01/1900”,CDate(x(2).Tostring).ToString(“MM/dd/yyyy”)) + If(x(2).ToString.Trim.Equals(String.Empty),“00:00:00 AM”,Date.ParseExact(x(2).Tostring,“hh:mm tt”,System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString(“hh:mm:ss tt”)))) Select dtMax.Rows.Add({id,If(md.ToString.Trim.Equals(String.Empty),“”,CDate(md.Tostring).ToString(“MM/dd/yyyyy”)),cdate(mt).ToString(“hh:mm tt”)})).CopyToDataTable”.(2) : error BC30198: ‘)’ expected.
(2) : error BC30198: ‘)’ expected.
(2) : error BC30512: Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from ‘IEnumerable(Of <anonymous type: Key id As Object, Key grp As IEnumerable(Of DataRow), Key md As Object>)’ to ‘DataTable’.

No " ) " is missing. I checked it.


I missed a let before mt

(From row In dtInput Group By id=row(0) Into grp = Group Let md=grp.Max(Function (d) d(1)) Let mt = grp.Max(Function(x) Cdate(If(x(1).ToString.Trim.Equals(String.Empty),"01/01/1900",CDate(x(2).Tostring).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")) + If(x(2).ToString.Trim.Equals(String.Empty),"00:00:00 AM",Date.ParseExact(x(2).Tostring,"hh:mm tt",System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("hh:mm:ss tt")))) Select dtMax.Rows.Add({id,If(md.ToString.Trim.Equals(String.Empty),“”,CDate(md.Tostring).ToString("MM/dd/yyyyy")),cdate(mt).ToString("hh:mm tt")})).CopyToDataTable


(From d In dtInput.AsEnumerable
Group d By k=d(0).toString.Trim Into grp = Group 
Let go = grp.OrderBy(Function (x) CDate(x(1).toString.Trim).Date).ThenBy(Function (y) CDate(y(2).ToString.Trim).TimeOfDay)
Select r = go.Last()).CopyToDataTable


I replaced the above script and compiled the program, still getting this error:

Assign: Expression Activity type ‘VisualBasicValue`1’ requires compilation in order to run. Please ensure that the workflow has been compiled.


I guess you copy pasted it…replace the inverted comma…in the code…check them properly


@ Peter

This has the same error of
Assign: Expression Activity type ‘VisualBasicValue`1’ requires compilation in order to run. Please ensure that the workflow has been compiled

retype any double Quotes and ensure that these are of " (comes often from copy and paste issues)
check the fix:


Same error for your query too.

assign: expression activity type ‘visualbasicvalue`1’ requires compilation in order to run. please ensure that the workflow has been compiled

@ Anil
I typed “” but it is giving me conversion error: Assign Conversion from string “01/01/000112:12:15:00 PM” to type ‘Date’ is not valid.

For simplicity, i removed time column which was separate and formate cell with “3/4/2023 8:01:00 AM”
Again when I have date and time written, why it is taking in 01/01/000112:12:15:00?
It has to check against each user last date and time logged in.

I know it is taking long, but I try to refer UiPath Forum before putting here.

Please find excel sheet for your reference on which I am working

Failed_Login_Attempt_Spreadsheet.xlsx (16.0 KB)


Please check this modified as per the data provided

(From row In dt Group By id=row(0) Into grp = Group Let md=grp.Max(Function (d) d(1)) Let mt = grp.Max(Function(x) Cdate(If(x(1).ToString.Trim.Equals(String.Empty),"12/30/1899 ",CDate(x(1).Tostring).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy ")) + If(x(2).ToString.Trim.Equals(String.Empty),"00:00:00",Cdate(x(2).Tostring).ToString("hh:mm:ss")))) Select dt1.Rows.Add({id,If(md.ToString.Trim.Equals(String.Empty),"",CDate(md.Tostring).ToString("MM/dd/yyyyy")),cdate(mt).ToString("hh:mm tt")})).CopyToDataTable


blank rows are also grouped…can remove them using a filter datatable


Thank you for the help.
It is giving me error of dt and dt1 is either not declared or not in the current scope. I see dt is declared, still it gives me the error.
I changed dt and dt1 to dtmax. so now it is giving the source contains no datarows. I do have data, Also I checked with file path. It is opening the correct file.

Source do contain datarows


You have to change dt to dtinput and dt1 to dtmax as per your file

I hope your input table is dtinput


I was about to write that. I got it. I think i have gone crazy and not applying my mind.

But I am not getting the correct output.
(1) As per the Data, for Gary, It should give me latest time as 1.30pm, but gives me 12.45 pm

||3/4/2023|12:15 PM|
||3/4/2023|12:30 PM|
||3/4/2023|12:45 PM|
||3/4/2023|1:30 PM|

(2) and for Lisa gives 2 AM instead of 2 PM

||3/6/2023|1:15 PM|
||3/6/2023|1:30 PM|
||3/6/2023|1:45 PM|
||3/6/2023|2:00 PM|

(3) for all other it is giving output in AM instead of PM


Try including "hh:mm:ss tt" in the time field and Change 00:00:00 AM

And also i guess i included an extra y in the dtmax select statement…remove it make it four y’s only


No Anil, it still gives me the same error. I noticed yyyyy part and removed one y. After your instruction i add ss part and AM part. still not working. if this is too complicated can we use the Login Date/Time column, which has a format of 3/4/2023 8:01:00 AM for simplicity?